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TFHS Flygkunskapsportal – Human Factors


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Generellt om Human Factors i flygsammanhang
The Influence of Human Factors on Operational Efficiency, Harris
Improving aircraft safety, Harris
Human factors and folk models, Dekker and Hollnagel
Situation Awareness, Mental Workload, and Trust in Automation: Viable, Empirically Supported Cognitive Engineering Constructs, Paramasuran, Sheridan and Wickens
Epistemological Self-Confidence in Human Factors Research, Dekker et. al.

Mental arbetsbelastning
Mental Workload in Aircraft and Simulator during Basic Civil Aviation Training, Dahlström och Nählinder
The Effect of Cr ect of Crosswind and T osswind and Turbulence in Mental W urbulence in Mental Workload and orkload and Pilot Tracking Performance, Vivaldi

Guidance Material for Improving Flight Crew Monitoring, IATA
A Practical Guide for Improving Flight Path Monitoring, Flight Safety Foundation
Monitoring Matters, UK CAA

Situation Awareness
Situation Awareness in Aviation Systems, Endsley
Differences in Situational Awareness and How to Manage Them in Development of Complex Systems, Alfredson
Situation Awareness: A scientifically viable construct?, Zarghooni

Naturalistic Decision Making, Klein
Naturalistic Decision Making, Klein och Klinger
Errors in Aviation Decision Making: A Factor in Accidents and Incidents, Orasanu och Martin

Pilot-air traffic control communications: It’s not (only) what you say, it’s how you say it, Cushing
Error-challenging strategies: Their role in preventing and correcting errors, Fischer och Orasanu

Ledarskap och kaptensrollen
Best captains: A survey of characteristics and skills of airline captain excellence, Swauger

Public Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviours towards Cabin Safety Communications
Flight Attendant Role in Air Rage, Redlon
Flight Attendant Fatigue, Nesthus och Schroeder
Competency-Based Training in Aviation: The Impact on Flight Attendant Performance and Passenger Satisfaction, Gibbs, Slevitch och Washburn
Manhood Up in the Air: A Study of Male Flight Attendants, Queerness, and Corporate Capitalism during the Cold War Era, Tiemeyer

Samarbete mellan kabinbesättning och piloter
Cockpit/Cabin Communication: I. A Tale of Two Cultures, Chute och Wiener
Cockpit/Cabin Communication: II. Shall We Tell the Pilots?, Chute och Wiener

Beyond multi-culture: When increasing diversity dissolves differences, Dahlström och Heemstra
Just culture: who gets to draw the line? Dekker
Cockpit Design and Cross-Cultural Issues Underlying Failures in Crew Resource Management, Harris och Li
Cultural Diversity and Crew Communication, Fischer och Orasanu

Design, automation och mänskliga fel
Disinheriting Fitts and Jones-47, Dekker
How a Cockpit Remembers Its Speeds, Hutchins
Anticipating the effects of technological change: a new era of dynamics for human factors, Woods och Dekker
Airline Pilots’ Perceptions Of Advanced Flight Deck Automation, Naidoo

Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Crew Resource Management, Threat and Error Management, and Assessment of CRM Skills, Dahlström, Laursen och Bergström
The Evolution of Crew Resource Management Training in Commercial Aviatio, Helmreich et.al.
Does Crew Resource Management Training Work, Salas et. al.
Does Crew Resource Management Training Work? An Update, an Extension, and Some Critical Needs, Salas et. al.

Behavioural Markers för CRM
Behavioral Markers for Crew Resource Management: A Review of Current Practice, Flin and Martin
Development of the NOTECHS (non-technical skills) system for assessing pilots’ CRM skills, Flin et. al.